Why I Chose Osteopathy as my Profession

Eli Mead, DOMPAfter graduating from massage school, I soon realized that I didn’t have the necessary tools to bring about the systemic changes I was looking to give my patients. Although massage is good at soft tissue work, it’s limited in its scope.

As I looked further into the possibilities of manual therapy, I came to see that I could work with many other systems of the body, such as the bones, ligaments, organs, nerves, lymphatics, blood vessels and nervous system. I wanted to be able to address each one of these systems, and as I continued my studies of these different techniques, I realized they all derived from one central source: Osteopathy.

Osteopathy is the most comprehensive form of manual medicine I have have found. The more I deepen my studies, the more I realize how much Osteopathy has to offer and therefore, how much there is to learn. The field of Osteopathy is truly endless and I find it exciting to be involved in a field that has such endless depths.